VIPAIR inc GREEN KODIAK The wheeler is finally rigged beautiful windshield!! Brent... Customer satisfaction Green Kodiak Windshield installation nov. 27, 2022 Témoignages
VIPAIR inc GRIZZLY 700, MATTE BLEU Good morning, Just to let you know that the new fairing is the perfect match I want to thank you for going on and above to make sure I was happy and satisfied also thank's to the manager. Also here ar... Fairing satisfaction Grizzly 700 Matte Bleu nov. 25, 2022 Témoignages
VIPAIR inc RINCON Just wanted to say thanks for the great customer service. Just have to add the mirrors and I'll be all set. Love the fairing, and it works great! Dave Greater Sudbury, Ontario... Customer service Fairing satisfaction RINCON nov. 23, 2022 Témoignages